Businesses in Twickenham could lose thousands after a scheduled power cut in London Road affected unaware businesses.

Twickenham police station and Waitrose have had to use backup generators after the power went out at 9am today.

While some businesses on one side of the road were told their power would be out for the whole day, businesses on the other side claimed they were not made aware.

Subway said it expected to lose £1,000 this lunchtime and said they were told the shop would not be affected when letters were hand delivered to businesses last Wednesday.

Employee Damian Makers said: "I was working and suddenly all the lights went off. I was shocked and scared."

The power cut has been caused by work being done by UK Power Networks to connect a new build above Waitrose to sub-station in Arragon Road car park.

Press officer for the London branch of UK Power Networks, Daniel Hearn said: “There does not seem to be any error on our part here.

“We are maintaining that all the addresses that have come up on our system had letter delivered.

“They would have received a letter which could easily have been discarded.

The Richmond and Twickenham Times has had to relocate from its office in London Road to another centre in Sutton town centre.

To speak to UK Power Networks call 0800 0280247.

To speak to a reporter on this newspaper, call 020 8722 6370.

More to follow.