S*** happens – well, that how the saying goes anyway.

And it seems it happens more at Christmas than any other time of year.

In fact it’s such a concern drainage experts are warning of a ‘Yule log clog’ and issuing advice on how to beat the blockage.

The expected surge in emergency callouts has led to Surbiton-based Dyno asking everyone to think of their drains over the festive period.

Blaming extra guests and over-eating as the main causes for the surge in cases of blocked toilets and internal sewage overflow, drainage engineers are even issuing handy tips on how to stay flushed and avoid the ‘Yule log clog’.

Dyno engineer Jimmi Double said: “It can be unsavory and embarrassing when your toilet stops working, so it’s important to lighten the load and if necessary get help from professionals as soon as possible.”

Top tips include: Using the correct protective equipment (including glasses); Being brave, but not flushing; Plunging carefully disposing of waste carefully.