There are 15 different methods of contraception. The type that works best for you will depend on your health and your circumstances.

Contraception is a personal issue, and finding the right method depends on many factors – including your age, your medical history, and how many sexual partners you’ve had – so what’s right for your friend may not be right for you.

All contraceptive methods can help stop you getting pregnant, but some have other benefits, too.

Condoms can help prevent sexually transmitted infections, while the IUS (intrauterine system) can give you lighter periods, or even stop periods altogether. Condoms and the contraceptive pill are just the start, and the options can seem overwhelming.

Can you make contraception part of your daily routine?

If you’re a well organised person with a reasonably regular routine, then you have a wide choice of contraception. This is because you're less likely to forget about your contraception – for example, forgetting to take a pill or to reapply a patch.

You may want to use a method that you only need to use when you have sex, such as the male and female condom, or you may prefer a method that you need to take every day, such as the Pill.

Or you may want to consider methods such as the patch, injection or implant, which you don’t need to use every day or each time you have sex.

The list below shows how effective each of the 15 different methods is, and how often you need to use them or think about them (frequency of use).

The effectiveness of each method is worked out by calculating how many women get pregnant if 100 women use the method for a year. For example, if a particular contraceptive method is 99 per cent effective, one woman out of every 100 who uses it will get pregnant in a year.

Some methods listed below, such as the Pill, include the term ‘if used correctly’. This is because people who use these methods have to use them every time they have sex, or remember to take or apply them every day, week or month. If the method isn’t used correctly it won't be as effective.

Contraceptives that are more than 99 per cent effective:

Contraceptive injection (renewed every eight weeks or every 12 weeks, depending on the type).
Contraceptive implant (lasts up to three years).
Intrauterine system, or IUS (up to five years).
Intrauterine device, or IUD, also called the coil (up to five years).
Female sterilisation (permanent).
Male sterilisation or vasectomy (permanent).

Contraceptives that are more than 99 per cent effective if used correctly:

Contraceptive patch (renewed each week for three weeks in every month).
Vaginal ring (renewed once a month).
Combined pill (taken every day for three weeks out of every month).
Progestogen-only pill (taken every day).

99 per cent effective if used according to teaching instructions: Natural family planning (operates on a monthly basis).

98 per cent effective if used correctly: Male condom (every time you have sex).

95 per cent effective if used correctly: Female condom (every time you have sex).

92-96 per cent effective if used correctly: 

Diaphragm with spermicide (every time you have sex).

Cap with spermicide (every time you have sex).

Do you mind if your periods change? Some contraceptives can affect your periods. Some may make your periods lighter or more infrequent. Others may make your periods heavier or more irregular.

Do you smoke? Smokers can use most types of contraception. But if you’re a smoker and you’re over 35 years old, some contraceptives (such as the combined pill or the vaginal ring) might not be suitable for you.

Are you overweight? Your weight won’t affect most types of contraception, and contraception won’t make you put on weight. However, the contraceptive injection has been linked to a small amount of weight gain if used for two years or more.

What if you can't use hormonal contraceptives? Some contraceptives work by using hormones that are similar to the hormones that women produce naturally. These hormones are oestrogen and progestogen.

Contraceptives that contain these hormones aren't suitable for some women. For example, those who have medical conditions, such as breast cancer, circulatory problems or migraine.
Contraceptives that contain oestrogen aren't suitable for women who:

• are over 35 and who smoke
• are very overweight 
• take certain medicines 
• suffer from certain medical conditions, such as migraines with aura

Are you taking medicines for other conditions? Some contraceptives can be affected if you’re taking medicines, but there are plenty of options.

Do you want to get pregnant in the near future? All methods of contraception can be stopped if you want to have a baby. Your fertility may take longer to return to normal after using certain methods. You can get pregnant as soon as you stop taking the combined pill, the progestogen-only pill or using the vaginal ring or contraceptive patch. But it can take up to a year for your fertility to return to normal after stopping the contraceptive injection. But most women's fertility will return to normal in a few months.

Your GP, nurse at your local clinic, or your pharmacist can provide more details about the options available to you. For more information on contraception visit the Live Well section of the NHS website